Tuesday 17 April 2012

Bullets, blood and brains

Here's a work in progress sticky test sample of a new scene from 'Brain Damage'.


Saturday 10 March 2012

Brain Damage Updates

Like a cat 3 months behind on its rent, things have been getting rather hairy and stressful. As Ticked Off (http://www.ticked-off-doj.blogspot.com) has now arrived at the temple of the effects Swami, Kieran Duncan, I can put a bit more focus back into the splatter frenzy that is Lauren Knight's 'Brain Damage'.

The work is on schedule and final scenes are beginning to materialise. In the meantime here are a couple of tests. Keep in in mind that these aren't the final articles, but feedback, suggestions and even questions are, as always, more than welcome.


Friday 17 February 2012

Brain Damage Scene 1 test

Here's the almost complete first scene for Lauren's film Brain Damage. We just need to add in some z-depth for some light fog and a subtle camera move.

Scene 2 isn't finished yet, but it's inclusion is to show the transition into it.


Wednesday 8 February 2012

Brain Damage quick lighting/colour test

I set up a simple lighting rig earlier so we could begin to play with the overall tone and feel. Lauren wants to set the animation at dusk, so we'll be playing with a lot of pinks and oranges. We want to retain a graphic novel feel without making the lighting and cameras overly realistic.

The tower is still to be textured, the planes dropped in and the airport tinkered with a touch more. Just an early test, but hopefully it'll put us in the right direction.


Saturday 31 December 2011

'Get to zeee chaaaappa!!!'

, once bellowed a famous mayor.

Here is the finished helicopter paint job for Lauren Knight's 4th Year film, Brain Damage. The model was built by Finlay Pearson. I'm planning on adding a bump map to sink in some of the cracks, and the final lighting will more than likely be flat to ensure the 3D fits with Lauren's art style. I'll also comp it into a scene to give an idea of how it may fit in the final film.


Tuesday 8 November 2011

Sunset Squad Artwork & Flyboy Ident

Sorry for the severe lack of updates. My whole summer was spent slaving and slavering over my 7,000 word on sexual perversions. Thankfully I exited summer and entered 4th Year unscathed and in one piece.

Speaking of 4th Year - our project, 'Ticked Off' is taking up all of our time at the moment. I'll find some time to upload textured models to our group blog this weekend.

In the meantime here's 2 recent pieces of work I've completed: Sunset Squad artwork for their new 7", and an IDent for Flyboy.

Untitled from Mark Grossi on Vimeo.


Thursday 30 June 2011

'Monsters under the bed' credit sequence

This is the credit sequence I made for John Fairfield's excellent (very) short film, 'Monsters under the bed'.

I had to drop the quality as the final file was the size of a Soviet housing block.

'Monsters under the bed' credit sequence from Mark Grossi on Vimeo.
